26.01.2007 to 25.02.2007
During the 2007 Berlinale, a visiting exhibition is being shown by the German Academic Exchange Service's (DAAD) Berlin programme for artists in the upper exhibition hall of the New National Gallery, which presents the work of Moldavian video artist Pavel Braila. For the first time in Germany, Pavel Braila is showing his work "Baron's Hill" from 2005. This work illustrates the newly emerging grandiose architecture of the Sinti and Roma living in Moldavia, characterised mainly by a certain hubris of style elements. Pavel Braila's camera work appears to stroll across the facades and through the rooms of these unoccupied houses. Using slow motion as a stylistic device, the images are lent an additional pathos that is reinforced in the production as a whole by the dual triptych form. The images are underlaid by music from Johann Sebastian Bach.