09.03.2005 to 05.06.2005
In addition to the 'Gods of Greece. Peter Cornelius' on display in the Old National Gallery, this exhibition presents for the first time the considerable oeuvre of the Roman carver of cameos, Giovanni Calandrelli (Rome 1784 - Berlin 1853?).
These two artists were linked through their choice of subject matter: both the enormous cartoons made by Cornelius for his frescos in the Munich Glypthothek (1819-1830) and the miniscule signets in precious stones and their graphical sketches by Calandrelli used themes from ancient poetry such as Homers 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey'.
The Collection of Classical Antiquities possesses 295 drawings by Calandrelli for cameos commissioned by the Polish prince Stanislas Poniatowski (1816 - 28) in Rome. Thus one of the biggest collections of its time came into being to illustrate the 'development, history, poetry and all arts' - comprising 2,611 stones for rings and medallions. For the first time an inventory will present these unique drawings, but also the original cameos, moulds and models. They show the period of classicism in the early 19th century in Rome and Berlin in a new light.