
From ... to ...
Zarkashat Turathia

03.06.2021 to 05.09.2021
Museum Europäischer Kulturen

A special exhibition of the Ethnologisches Museum (Ethnological Museum), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, at the Museum Europäischer Kulturen (MEK, Museum of European Cultures)

“From ... to ...” is an ambiguous designation, referring to neither a specific time nor place. The exhibition of the same name instead tells of dynamic processes – of continuities as well as ruptures and new beginnings. Each “to” contains a new “from”.

Movements and transformations, but also stability and stagnation manifest themselves in movement from one point to another – both within the reference frame of time and space and with regard to ideas. The exhibition From ... to ... focuses on the processes and transformations a person experiences, and presents a variety of topics that affect the diverse relationships between people and cultural heritage. Last but not least, it sheds light on how individuals influence the transformation processes that become registered in material and immaterial cultural assets.

Zarkashat Turathia

Zarkashat comes from Arabic and means “varied decorations”. The decorations can be of a material or immaterial nature. Turathia is an adjective derived from the Arabic word turath, meaning “cultural heritage”. When combined, Zarkashat Turathia refers to a variety of decorations in the area of cultural heritage.

The basis for Zarkashat Turathia – cultural heritage “decorations” – is the idea of the mobility stemming from different points of view and the interconnections between the project participants’ personal stories and certain collection objects. Individuals interact dynamically with the material and immaterial cultural assets. Zarkashat Turathia not only refers to cultural heritage in the sense of valuable treasures, but also emphasises its individual and collective meaning.

Blick in die neue Dauerausstellung
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin/ Ute Franz-Scarciglia
Museum Europäischer Kulturen | third party tour

Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Guided tour by third parties

Cultural Contacts - Life in Europe

Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Guided tour (60 min)

Arnimallee 25
14195 Berlin

partially wheelchair accessible

U-Bahn: Dahlem-Dorf
Bus: U Dahlem-Dorf, Limonenstraße, Domäne Dahlem

Strollers and wheelchairs can be borrowed from the ticket desk.

Sun 11:00 - 18:00
Mon closed
Tue closed
Wed 10:00 - 17:00
Thu 10:00 - 17:00
Fri 10:00 - 17:00
Sat 11:00 - 18:00

Special opening hours during public holidays
Last admission and ticket sales 30 minutes before closing time.

Admission ticket Museum Europäischer Kulturen
10,00 EUR Concessions 5,00
Museum Europäischer Kulturen
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Annual Ticket from 25,00 EUR
free time slot ticket required
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Tel 030 - 266 42 42 42 (Mon - Fri, 9 am - 4 pm)
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Digital Vernissage via Webex