
About Life and Survival
Times of Change 1945

08.05.2005 to 06.01.2008

Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Museum Europäischer Kulturen

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the ending of the Second World War the Museum of European Cultures presents the exhibition 'ÜberLeben - UmbruchZeiten 1945'. The exhibition deals with the end of the war in Berlin, a city positioned between Warsaw and Paris, and where the full range of victory, defeat and liberation was played out at the end of the war.

The exhibition focuses on the image of Berlin, a destroyed city with homeless people from all nations - the 'displaced persons', expellees, forced labourers and prisoners of war. Here, for the first time after the end of the Third Reich, people had a chance to organise their lives independently, and to find a way 'back to normality'.

'ÜberLeben - UmbruchZeiten 1945' is the opening exhibition of the Museum of European Cultures at its new location, the 'Museums in Dahlem: art and cultures of the world'. Under the same roof as the Ethnological Museum, the Museum of Indian Art and the Museum of East Asian Art, this exhibition is presented in the rooms of the former Gemäldegalerie - Old Master Paintings. The entrance is located in the Arnimalle 25.