Towel with embroidered depictions of houses and gardens, detail, Turkey, late 18th century
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Islamische Kunst / Claus Uhlendorf

Embroidered Gardens
Ottoman Textiles from the Borg Collection

16.12.2022 to 16.04.2023

A Yogini meets an ascetic, India, 17th century (detail
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Islamische Kunst / Johannes Kramer

Mystical Encounters
Sufis, Kings and Yogini in Indian Miniature Painting

16.09.2022 to 04.12.2022

Gerard Janssen in front of a Portrait of a Lady by Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie / Valerie Schmidt

Multiple venues
Every Day at the Museum
Guards Present Their Favourite Works

17.06.2022 to 08.01.2023

Prehistoric pottery, 1913
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Islamische Kunst / Ernst Herzfeld

Samarra Revisited
New Perspectives on the Excavation Photographs from the Palaces of the Caliph

04.03.2022 to 28.08.2022

Ali Kaaf. Ich bin Fremder. Zweifach Fremder, 2021, Installation, bedruckte und gefräste
Aluminium Verbundplatten, gespritzte Holzplatten, Metall, 280 x 580 x 160 cm
© Ali Kaaf / Jörg von Bruchhausen

Ali Kaaf
I Am a Stranger: Twofold a Stranger

01.12.2021 to 20.02.2022

Gurbet Şarkıları – Songs from Foreign Lands. Music and Belonging between Turkey and Germany (1961–2021)
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Museum für Islamische Kunst

Gurbet Şarkıları – Songs from Foreign Lands
Music and Belonging between Turkey and Germany (1961–2021)

12.11.2021 to 20.02.2022

Children and teenagers drawing in the exhibition, 1970s
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Vorderasiatisches Museum

Nebuchadnezzar Under Socialism
The Vorderasiatisches Museum in the GDR

09.11.2021 to 08.01.2023

Scene from the Divan of Hafis, detail, Iran 1655-60
© The Sarikhani Collection, London

The Garden as a Place of Refuge
Persian Illuminated Manuscripts Meet Berlin-Style Allotment Idyll

30.10.2021 to 20.02.2022

Market Gate of Miletus, reconstruction with modern additions, Roman, Trajanic, Miletus, around 100 AD.
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung / Johannes Laurentius, CC NC-BY-SA

Architecture of Antiquity
Market Gate of Miletus

Permanent exhibition

Façade of the caliph’s palace of Mshatta in the Pergamonmuseum
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / David von Becker

Islamic Cultures

Permanent exhibition

Schreitender Löwe von der Prozessionsstraße, Babylon, Zeit König Nebukadnezars II., 604–562 v. Chr.
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Vorderasiatisches Museum / Olaf M. Teßmer

Ancient Near Eastern Cultures

Permanent exhibition

Interactive panel on the history of the game of chess between North Africa and Europe
© Marlene Kettner

Trans-cultural Relations, Global Biographies – Islamic Art?

Permanent exhibition

Caucasian dragon rug from the 16th century
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Islamische Kunst / Teßmer

Dream and Trauma
Reopening of the Carpet Rooms in the Museum für Islamische Kunst

Permanent exhibition