Helmut Newton's Private Property , A Space for Applied Arts, Fashion and Design , Paintings from the 13th to 18th Century , Surreal Worlds , Ancient Egypt , Prehistory and early history , Ancient Worlds. Greeks, Etruscans and Romans , Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age , Treasures from the Rhine: The Barbarian Treasure of Neupotz , The Crown of Kerch , The Worlds of Rococo , Gerhard Richter: 100 Works for Berlin , Nationalgalerie: A Collection for the 21st Century , Frans Hals , Extreme Tension. Art between Politics and Society , Michael Wesely , Encounters. Non-European Arts and Crafts in the Collection of the Kunstgewerbemuseum , The Leidner Donation , Elephantine , Naama Tsabar , From the Canal Grande to the Spree , Andy Warhol , Joseph Beuys , Goddesses and Consorts , (Un)seen Stories , Excess in Elegance , Alexandra Pirici , Marianna Simnett , Preis der Nationalgalerie 2024 , Mark Bradford , Ceramics as Art , Berlin, Berlin , Renate von Mangoldt: Berlin Revisited , Loss of Form? , Wunderkammer #2
Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung
Helmut Newton Stiftung
Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte