
Development of a Systematic Approach for the Detection of Ancient Coins Counterfeiting

Konservierungswissenschaft im Dialog

Tue 25.06.2024 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Archäologisches Zentrum
Lecture / Adults

Speaker: Mohammad Rababah, Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Ancient coins hold significant archaeological value, providing profound insights into ancient cultures, historical figures, and diplomatic exchanges. However, the proliferation of counterfeit coins presents significant challenges to their study and preservation. Advances in replication technology have made it increasingly difficult to distinguish genuine coins from counterfeits, complicating efforts to ensure the authenticity of collections, especially those acquired from non-archaeological sources.

In this regard, the current presentation proposes a systematic and scientific methodology for authenticating ancient coins, aiming to develop accurate, standardized, and user-friendly detection methods. The proposed approach involves subjecting coins to a series of sequential tests to evaluate their visual, physical, and chemical properties, as well as their manufacturing techniques. This methodology is aimed at enhancing the reliability of coin authentication processes and safeguarding the integrity of archaeological collections..

The lecture will be held in English.

Free admission.

No registration needed.



Meeting point:
Archäologisches Zentrum, Brugsch-Pascha-Saal, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 6, 10117 Berlin
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