

Free Activities and Events for Refugees Now Available with Reservations

With a wide range of educational offers, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin invites refugees from Ukraine to get to know its collections and museums. Exhibition talks guide adults to collection highlights. Children and families can explore the museums in workshops.

Unless otherwise stated, the free offers can be booked by telephone on +49 (0)30 266 42 42 42 or by e-mail to service[at]



Museum club at Haus Bastian invites you every Thursday to try out artistic techniques and explore the collections on the Museumsinsel (Museum Island).
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Haus Bastian, Museum Island Berlin 

Ukraine: What does happiness look like? Representations of happiness 

How is happiness depicted? What do people who are happy look like? In Haus Bastian and the collections of the Museum Island, the pupils explore various images and representations of happiness. Based on the works of art, they will analyse their own ideas of happiness and make sketches. The drawings serve as the basis for a self-portrait, which the pupils create using a letterpress printing process and then colour in.

Project day | 240 minutes | free of charge 
Grade 1 – 6, secondary level I – II 
Max. 30 people 
Languages: German, English, Ukrainian 
Booking enquiry via bastian[at]

With the kind support of Berliner Sparkasse.

Haus Bastian, Museum Island Berlin

Ukraine: It's a Match!

The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin have nothing to do with the present and certainly nothing to do with the everyday lives of young people? Globalisation, migration stories and the exploitation of the earth are not just 21st century topics. They can also be found in museum objects and artefacts. With a critical eye and a questioning attitude, the pupils explore the collections and find connections between then and now. What topics from their everyday lives do they bring with them to the museum? And what ideas and question marks do they leave with?

Project day | 180 minutes | free of charge 
Secondary level I – II, professional school 
Max. 30 people 
Languages: German, English, Ukrainian 
Booking enquiry via bastian[at]

With the kind support of Berliner Sparkasse.


Haus Bastian, Museum Island Berlin

Ukraine: Spot on: Portraits 

What makes a good portrait? How can appearance, status, character and emotions be depicted? In which situations were portraits taken in the past, and in which today? The students compare representations of people – from ancient sculptures to 19th century paintings. They experiment with analogue and digital forms of expression and create their own portrait series.

Project day | 240 minutes | free of charge
Grade 1 – 6, secondary level I – II
Max. 30 people
Languages: German, English, Ukrainian
Booking enquiry via bastian[at]

With the kind support of Berliner Sparkasse.

© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Leo Leowald
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Leo Leowald

Haus Bastian, Museum Island Berlin

From Yesterday and the Day after Tomorrow: The History of the Museuminsel 

Directly across from Haus Bastian stretches the panorama of Berlin’s Museumsinsel (Museum Island). When and how did this special place emerge? What stories do its buildings and their architecture have to tell? What might the Museumsinsel look like in a few years? You’ll discover the Museumsinsel Berlin from unusual perspectives and explore its varied history. Using drawing techniques, you’ll become familiar with views and details of the buildings and artworks. At Haus Bastian, the sketches are supplemented with commentaries, architectural forms, and self-researched information reassembled into a collaborative panorama.

Project day | 240 minutes | free of charge 
Grade 1 – 6, secondary level I – II 
Max. 30 people 
Languages: German, English, Ukrainian 
Booking enquiry via bastian[at]

With the kind support of Berliner Sparkasse.



Veranstaltung im Bode-Museum © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bode-Museum / Lia Darjes
Veranstaltung im Bode-Museum © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bode-Museum / Lia Darjes

Museumsinsel Berlin, Bode-Museum

Give Me a New Look: A Fashion Update for Ancient Heroes and Heroines
Venus, Hermes and Hercules need a new style. How were ancient gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines portrayed more than a thousand years after their mythological existence? How would they look today, another thousand years later? Tailor fashionable clothes for the deities and provide them with new accessories.

Bookable in German and English.
Duration: 120 minutes
free for maximum of 20 participants (three families)


The tours with a maximum of 10 participants are free and last 90 minutes.

Caspar David Friedrich (5.9.1774 - 7.5.1840), "Moonrise at the Sea", painting / oil on canvas (1822)
Caspar David Friedrich (5.9.1774 - 7.5.1840), "Moonrise at the Sea", painting / oil on canvas (1822) © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Alte Nationalgalerie, Jörg P. Anders

Museumsinsel Berlin, Alte Nationalgalerie

19th-Century Masterpieces
The Alte Nationalgalerie shows masterpieces from the 19th century by painters such as Caspar David Friedrich, Adolph Menzel and Claude Monet. The tour includes works from the Neoclassical, German Romantic and Modernist periods.

Bookable in German and English.

Büste der Nofretete, Ägypten, Tell el-Amarna, Neues Reich, 18. Dynastie, um 1351–1334 v. Chr. © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung / Sandra Steiß CC NC-BY-SA
Büste der Nofretete, Ägypten, Tell el-Amarna, Neues Reich, 18. Dynastie, um 1351–1334 v. Chr. © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung / Sandra Steiß CC NC-BY-SA

Museumsinsel Berlin, Neues Museum

The Rich Diversity of Ancient Egypt
The tour introduces the holdings of the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung (Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection). A sarcophagus weighing several tons, feather-light papyrus and finely crafted reliefs encourage you to take a closer look. Selected highlights, including elaborate burial objects, cult chambers and the famous Bust of Nefertiti, bring ancient Egyptian history to life.

Bookable in German, English and Russian


Sandro Botticelli: Portrait of a Lady (Simonetta Vespucci), c. 1475-1480
Sandro Botticelli: Portrait of a Lady (Simonetta Vespucci), c. 1475-1480 © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie / Jörg P. Anders

Kulturforum, Gemäldegalerie

Botticelli, Caravaggio, and Rembrandt
In one of the world’s most important collections of European painting, a “Who’s Who” of art history awaits you – with artists including Botticelli, Caravaggio, Rembrandt and Rubens. The tour offers an entertaining and inspiring overview of the Gemäldegalerie collection.

Bookable in German, English and Russian



Lotte Laserstein, Evening over Potsdam, 1930 | Acquired with the support of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin, the Kulturstiftung der Länder, the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung and others © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021. Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Roman März
Lotte Laserstein, Evening over Potsdam, 1930 | Acquired with the support of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin, the Kulturstiftung der Länder, the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung and others © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021. Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Roman März

Kulturforum, Neue Nationalgalerie

Looking at Society
The Art of Society exhibition presents 250 works by renowned artists grouped according to historical movements and social themes. Selected examples serve to explore the developments of Modern Art from past and present perspectives. Works by Otto Dix, Max Ernst, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Lotte Laserstein await your discovery.

Bookable in German and English



Veranstaltung im Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart
Veranstaltung im Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart / Anika Büssemeier

Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart

From the 1960s to the Present
Hamburger Bahnhof shows art created from the 1960s to the present in changing thematic exhibitions. The tour introduces different approaches used within contemporary art and looks at fundamental developments from the 1960s to the present day.

Bookable in German and English



Admission regulation
As with other recipients of transfer payments, refugees from Ukraine and other countries also receive free admission to the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. A simplified verification procedure applies. It is sufficient to present a passport or identity card. The regulation is valid from now until further notice.

Information and booking
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Bildung, Vermittlung, Besucherdienste
Tel.: +49 30 266 42 42 42 (Mo – Fr 9 – 16 Uhr)