
Offers for Adults

At the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin we offer a wide variety of different educational events and presentations for adults:

  • Regular guided tours explore the themes highlighted in the permanent displays and special exhibitions.
  • Dialogue-based tours, panel discussions and workshops encourage visitor participation.
  • Museum workshop talks and lecture series offer insights into the different types of work and the decision-making processes which go on “behind the scenes”.
  • Concerts, dance events and readings related to current exhibitions provide added inspiration.
  • Audio guides accompany visitors on their journey through the exhibitions.
Neue Nationalgalerie, 2021
© BBR / Thomas Bruns / Ludwig Mies van der Rohe / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021
Mies van der Rohe: Weniger ist mehr

Public tour | Adults
Sun 16.02.2025 11:00 AM More Dates
Neue Nationalgalerie

David Teniers the Younger: The Painter with his Family, c. 1645/47
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie / Jörg P. Anders
Malerei und (Live)Musik

Public tour | Tandem guided tour | Adults
Sun 16.02.2025 11:00 AM More Dates

Pergamon. Das Panorama
© asisi
Meisterwerke der antiken Metropole

Public tour | Adults
Sun 16.02.2025 11:00 AM More Dates
Pergamonmuseum. Das Panorama

The Huldschinsky town house at Matthäikirchstr. 3a; 
Paul Huldschinsky and his partner, the London architect John Archibald Campbell
© Staatsbibliothek Berlin/Eva Maria Herbertz
Endstation Hollywood. Das Leben des Paul „Hulle“ Huldschinsky (1889-1947)

Lecture | Panel discussion | Adults
Sun 16.02.2025 11:15 AM

Academic lectures, lecture series, workshop talks and seminars offer more in-depth information about exhibitions as well as technical insights into the types of work and decision-making processes which take place “behind the scenes” at the different institutes and facilities of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.

The Huldschinsky town house at Matthäikirchstr. 3a; 
Paul Huldschinsky and his partner, the London architect John Archibald Campbell
© Staatsbibliothek Berlin/Eva Maria Herbertz
Endstation Hollywood. Das Leben des Paul „Hulle“ Huldschinsky (1889-1947)

Lecture | Panel discussion | Adults
Sun 16.02.2025 11:15 AM

Disdéri & Co, Portrait of Emperor Napoléon III, Empress Eugénie and Crown Prince Louis Napoléon of France (detail), 1859, Carte-de-visite photograph, Ident.No. 14134020
© Kunstbibliothek, Sammlung Modebild
Staatsräson und Modediktat. Aspekte herrscherlicher Kleiderpraxis im französischen Second Empire

Lecture | Lecture series | Adults
Wed 19.02.2025 6:00 PM

Results of a microfading measurement on an eosin oil paint sample
© Gauthier Patin
Microfading measurements and its application in museums

Lecture | Adults
Tue 25.02.2025 6:30 PM
Archäologisches Zentrum

Vignette zu Spruch 40 zur Abwehr des Eselverschlingers, Totenbuch des Chonsumes, Theben (?), 3. Zwischenzeit, 21. Dynastie, um 1000 v. Chr., Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Ägyptische Sammlung 3859 (© Andreas Schröder)
Einfach böse? Der Esel im ägyptischen Mythos

Lecture | Adults
Tue 04.03.2025 6:00 PM
Archäologisches Zentrum

Dialogue-based tours, panel discussions and workshops encourage visitors to get involved. Concerts, dance events and readings related to current exhibitions provide added inspiration.

Schloss Köpenick
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum (Köpenick) / Maximilian Meisse
Mozarts Kurfürstensonaten

Concert | Adults
Sat 22.02.2025 4:00 PM
Schloss Köpenick

Nan Goldin. This Will Not End Well, Ausstellungsansicht, Neue Nationalgalerie, 2024
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie / David von Becker
Late Night

Concert |
Sat 22.02.2025 10:00 PM
Neue Nationalgalerie

Large cupola of the Bode-Museum
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Achim Kleuker
Das Notenbuch Friedrichs des Großen

Concert | Adults
Sat 01.03.2025 4:00 PM

Schloss Köpenick
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum (Köpenick) / Maximilian Meisse
Meister der Klaviermusik II

Concert | Adults
Sun 09.03.2025 4:00 PM
Schloss Köpenick