
Staff of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Collage with photos of the staff of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Staff of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work. This information was first made available to the public in early 2022, and is continually being expanded to include additional branches and employees.

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M.A. Nushin Atmaca
  • Research Associate (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Christine Binroth-Bondzio
  • Conservator (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
M.A. Sofia Botvinnik
  • Research Associate (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Kirstin Csutor
  • Museologist (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Ronny Heuschneider
  • Conservator (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Salwa Joram
  • Conservator (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Carola Kohler
  • Librarian (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Christian Krug
  • Employee (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Sabine Lex
  • Secretary (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
M.A. Maria Looks
  • Research Associate (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Tina Peschel
  • Research Associate (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Moritz Roemer
  • Curatorial Assistant (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Franka Schneider
  • Research Associate (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Dr. Judith Schühle
  • Research Associate (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Alicija Steczek
  • Conservator (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Dr. Matthias Thaden
  • Research Associate (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tietmeyer
  • Director (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)
Dr. Jana Wittenzellner
  • Deputy Director (Museum Europäischer Kulturen)