
Prof. Dr. Stefan Simon


Director (Rathgen-Forschungslabor)





Focus | Responsibilities | Projects

  • American-German Chemist and Heritage Scientist
  • Doctorate at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich on weathering and conservation of marble in the department of chemistry
  • Advancement of sustainable conservation strategies, triggered by the global climate crisis and the "Green Museum" debate
  • Conservation documentation and access in the digital age
  • Leading voice in the international “Culture in Crisis” debate and acting on public stage as advocate against illicit traffic of cultural property and for the study of authenticity questions
  • Council Member (2005-13) and Vice President of ICCROM (2009-2011), the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, Rom
  • Honorary Professorships at X´ian Jiaotong University, China (2009) and Technical University Berlin (2013)
  • Corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute and has co-authored and published more than 150 articles on the preservation of cultural heritage


02/2005 until Director of the Rathgen-Forschungslabor der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
09/1993 until Freelance Conservation Consultant
08/2016 until 03/2019 Director, Global Cultural Heritage Initiatives, Yale University, New Haven, CT
04/2014 until 07/2016 Inaugural Director of the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (IPCH), Yale University, New Haven, CT
2008 until 2018 President, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee Stone (ISCS)
11/2001 until 02/2005 Head of Building Materials Section (Senior Scientist), Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA
10/1988 until 08/1993 Scientific Assistant, R&D project “Steinzerfall” (BMFT-Federal Ministry of Research and Technology), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich

Staff of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Here, the employees of the different branches of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin introduce themselves, providing some information about their professional backgrounds and their main areas of work.